Page 17, T-belt Timing for Maximum Thrust

April 29, 2020 (T-belt Timing)

Now that the T-belt is installed & working with two flexplates, the question of how to time the two flexplates is at hand.

Since there is negligible backward push, it is all about "maximizing" and “smoothing” the forward thrust.

Observations made are as follows:

1- The closer the two flexplates are timed together, the forward push increases but so does the “pulsation” effect of the drive.

2- With the timing set at 180 degrees, the pulsation is very low but so is the forward thrust. 90 degrees does work, but I am not very pleased with the forward thrust & it almost seems that the two halves are fighting one another.

3- Setting the timing to approximately 30 degrees apart (12 & 1 o’clock positions) is very promising.

4- Although testing is necessary to state this conclusively, bringing the clock positioning closer together increases the thrust power more than a simple ratio would explain. If it were a “simple” ratio, clocked or timed at 180 degrees should produce ½ of the thrust but this does not seem to be the case. Since we are dealing with moving weights, rotating assemblies, and linear thrust, it would be logical to assume a formula must be used to calculate the thrust ad different timing positions.

I will be locking the positions of the stationary gears to their axles very soon to ensure the positions do not drift while running. 

That will be the very next step toward a road test!


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