Censorship? Well now, after being reasonably ignored for quite some time now, apparently the PIETECH BUILDER’S MANUAL seems to have caught some unwanted attention. Out of sheer convenience, I decided to use the eBay platform as a service for interested people to purchase the manual. After being listed for just two weeks, the listing has suddenly “disappeared” completely from eBay and erased from their archives. After speaking with a genuine human being at eBay they now claim that I must have never had such a listing as they show NO ACTIVITY on my seller account over the last 90 days. Since at the time of this writing, it was listed on eBay 15 days ago and I still have the link to the now non-existent listing saved, both on the PIETECH web page and other media as well, I am very certain that it wasn’t a dream. This, of course, happened on the same day that YouTube issued another crack-down on anyone speaking about corruption within the US election, immediately removing entire ...