Comments about Comments, and Thank You

I have received a number of comments on YouTube, Bit Chute and by other means regarding the inefficiency of this design, and how other designs are soooo much more efficient and can produce these vast amounts of thrust, how this will never work and I am wasting my time chasing this dream.

I have been pointed towards many fine inventor's works and have had private message conversations with some about some of these.

Here is the deal:

1- I am going to pursue this to some sort of conclusion, it will either be successful or not. 

2- There are those who want this stopped.

3- There are others who think there is a better way but have not built a prototype.

4- There are those who don't give a crap but like to make fun of other's efforts.

5- There is always "self doubt" when trudging through the swamp of the unknown.

6- Do not try to force your opinions on me and I will not try to force mine on you.

6- Tell me it can't be done and watch me go, but do not get in the way.

I was going to post specifics of this here, but I will not. I respect everyone's opinions even though I may not agree with them.

Please be respectful and comment any ideas you have, they will be respected in like manner.

One last thought today, "Thank You For Your Interest So Far... More To Come Soon!!!"


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